Cream Legbars
Introducing our Crested Cream Legbars
Cream Legbars are renowned for their big blue eggs, their striking appearance and well you can autosex them at hatch.
Our Cream Legbar Line is made up UK Import (AVGEN) as well as Different Australian bloodlines. Ensuring a diverse and robust genetic pool.
Whats the Difference between UK Import (AVGEN) & Australian Lineage?
UK Import:
Crested Cream Legbar is a unique and visually striking breed of chicken Originating in Britain, this breed is prized for its beauty, friendly temperament, and excellent egg-laying capabilities.
Crested Cream Legbar is an autosexing chicken breed that was developed in the early 20th century at the University of Cambridge in England. Barred Plymouth Rock was chosen for its barring gene, which is crucial for the autosexing characteristic, and the Brown Leghorn was selected for its good egg-laying abilities and hardiness. Araucana genetics was introduced into the mix for their *blue egg laying trait and crest.
Roosters from the UK import (AVGEN) Line boast a true cream color with minimal chestnut leakage and erect comb. Hens exhibit salmon breasts with cream hackles with crests.
Australian: Before AVGEN we’re able to import Crested Cream Legbars to Australia, there were no actual birds of this breed here in Aus.
Breeders had previously set out about the very long program of creating the breed themselves by crossing particular breeds of birds over many years, which has now resulted in our Aussie recreated Crested Cream Legbar.
There are some very obvious differences, such as the overall colouring of the birds, with most Aussie lines being quite dark.
The import lines are much lighter and have the true cream gene and light salmon chest.